I tested the Best $5 Gadgets Ever.

I tested the Best $5 Gadgets Ever.

13 of the best value gadgets I’ve ever bought (All can be found on Aliexpress and Amazon if you’re interested!) Get Surfshark VPN at https://Surfshark.deals/boss – Enter promo code BOSS for 83% off and 3 months free!

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My Filming Gear:

Music is from Epidemic sound:


  1. @UsermannnnyNotNow January 29, 2025 at 1:27 pm

    Sponsored by Surfshark, advertising huel.

  2. Yesssss he is an animie fan

  3. @yourlocalinvestor January 29, 2025 at 1:29 pm


  4. I feel like Arun is sponsored by Huel

  5. I have the soap one

  6. can’t find the shower soap dispenser for anywhere near the price in the video, can someone tell me where to look?

  7. Dont drop the soap

  8. @JustinGundran-fz8im January 29, 2025 at 1:34 pm

    Love God amen!

  9. Bro those arent 5 dollarsπŸ’€πŸ’€

  10. 7:20 anyone noticed death note actually showed up?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. @noshairfarooq4032 January 29, 2025 at 1:42 pm

    Death Note was right there, but you still had to turn on VPN

  12. Death note has only 30 ep and he says that he is watching death note and has watched 30 eps πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  13. 3:44 dang bro has 6000 messages on mail thats crazyπŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ’€πŸ’€

  14. Wow lol i have that cup 1:48

  15. Gutei keita gadget odorkari kla

  16. @finzar you are the editor here , right!

  17. Nobody gonna talk about how it showed death note even though he said it didn’t show up

  18. 7:06 its 4 seconds

  19. arun watches netflix in the shower??

  20. I have that 2:53

  21. I use the dishmatic kitchen

  22. 5 dollars but half of them were over 5$

  23. Sorry for the re-upload! The first draft had a slight editing mishap but we spent so long on the video that I wanted it to be perfect! 😁
    To see more of my gadgets videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCevmmgJzQc&list=PLflqtq8EOGALCJj-I8M7_dtrPh7_ZieDz&index=3

  24. @alexandrospetrides6179 January 29, 2025 at 1:53 pm

    You can watch death note on mobile

  25. 3:45 bro has 62000 emailsπŸ˜‚

  26. 61,166 emails

  27. You are my inspiration. I opened a YouTube channel because of you and Mkbhd. Ty

  28. Ohohohohoh

  29. @ActuallyHyperionOS January 29, 2025 at 1:58 pm

    Title under $5
    1:39 10$

  30. 5:49 5:50 5:51 hilarious soap falling from gadget πŸ˜‚

  31. @charlieneedham9503 January 29, 2025 at 2:00 pm

    IKEA does a cheaper milk throther, and it works just as well

  32. Which magnetic cable was in this video, do you have a U.S. link???

  33. 7:26 until you realised that it was there on your screen and you could watch it right now

  34. you can DIY the first one in 5 minutes. i did it.

  35. I came across some magnetic cables before seeing this. The ones I got ended up being garbage. They’re unreliable and the ports are too short for many of my devices to charge properly. If the little magnetic end wiggles out even a fraction of a millimeter, the device stops charging. They’re the _only_ cables that have that problem. I’d checked and the ports are much shorter than all the others.

    I’d seen on another channel that they’re also extremely inefficient. Turns out, magnets make fairly poor conductors.

  36. 4:45 arun always finding a way to rickroll usπŸ˜­πŸ’€πŸ’€

  37. i got 2 of the suction cup hooks and they work great!

  38. @orlandorichards4768 January 29, 2025 at 2:07 pm

    These videos are way too long for YouTube shorts but you get a pass cuz they are good

  39. Was that Ryan Trahan in that one scene about your fitness?

  40. 1:39 soap dispenser ❌

    Soap dispenser from Microsoft βœ”οΈ



  42. Arun you need a Xiaomi hand soap dispenser

  43. 6:34 $12? bruh, I bought this thing for 20 cents (1 PLN) in Poland

  44. Pleeease stop trying to be funny

  45. @raynardsakals4335 January 29, 2025 at 2:17 pm

    OR now hear me out 1get a used 1l bottle of coke
    2wash out the inside of said bottle
    3MAKE coffee
    4 put the coffee in the bottle
    5 add milk because you want it frothy
    6shake it violently for about a min
    7 enjoy

    or just my a 5 dollar shit milk frother that cost 10x more

  46. I have the soap bar drainer before I watched this video πŸ˜‚

  47. Wrapping cables in a coil while in use is not a good idea as it builds up resistance to the electrical current, building up heat and creating a fire hazard.

  48. @bobbynygaardchrisitansen6874 January 29, 2025 at 2:22 pm

    The faucet glass cleaner is used at many bars and it might look like it cleans the glass but it is only inside. A TV program took glass from a bar that was cleaned this way and took it to a labotory and they found many not good bacterias.

  49. @orlandorichards4768 January 29, 2025 at 2:23 pm

    These videos are way too long for YouTube shorts but you get a pass cuz they are good

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