Go Big or Go Home: Why a 4TB Boot Drive is a Game-Changer for Your New PC Build

Go Big or Go Home: Why a 4TB Boot Drive is a Game-Changer for Your New PC Build

This video is a highlight from The Rogue Tech Show. This segment has been cut straight from the live stream, in an easy to digest portion!
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Go Big or Go Home: Why a 4TB Boot Drive is a Game-Changer for Your New PC Build — Tech Deals
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  1. i remember my first solid state device and its a flashdrive . 1gb for 20$ and was so happy i can put hundreds of music lmao

  2. I personally still like to split OS/apps/games on one drive and ‘project files’ (video and other stuff in progress before I move it to my NAS) on another so I have 2 2tb’s but 4TB has gotten so inexpensive so fast that a single 4TB would make sense in a lot of cases. You can get the less expensive 4TB’s for about what I paid for my SN 850X/Firecuda or less 8 months later which is crazy.

  3. The SSD prices make it a better idea. Though I’m still not sure about having 2x2tb or one 4tb.

  4. @curtismariani6303 January 29, 2025 at 1:37 pm

    Finally someone going on record and saying, having your games on the c drive doesn’t make a difference with modern drives! Thank you. I still see people sticking 256 of 512GB boot drives in and then sticking a 1Tb game drive in. It’s crazy, stick the biggest drive in you can afford and stop wasting nvme slots. AM4 is a really popular platform, with 1 gen 4 slot and 1 gen 3 slot. You could stick a 4tb gen 3 drive in the gen 3 slot and run everything off that, then as prices come down and games require faster drives you could either stick a gen 4 drive in the other slot or upgrade the platform and use the old drive as a game storage drive.

  5. I should have done four, they are there if you don’t hoard data. Still have at least 3x 2tb and those are super nice. I would say 512gb is done, my friend just fit Windows, CoD, Apex, and WoW after updates/compression. 4 is the future.

  6. I don’t store data on my OS drive, so 4TB is absurd for me.

  7. I have a 1TB NVME boot drive. I like to keep most of my stuff off of the boot drive because if Windows gets corrupt and you have to reinstall then you’ll lose everything on that drive.

  8. I would like a computer to last 5years, also.

  9. In America the drives maby cheap but no in the UK I waited until black Friday no difference on Amazon a 1tb nvme ssd is still about £100

  10. That’s why I got a 4TB Gen 5 SSD for my new PC build (to be built tomorrow! should’ve been earlier due to fucking around :/); I plan to use that for 8 or so years anyways with multiple upgrade cycles.

  11. I paid less this fall for a 2Tb SN850X, than I paid for a 125Gb Samsung 830 Pro sata drive when it came out. The best thing about large drives is you don’t lose all the space when that new program or game is a few gig too large to fit on the remaining space. Cheers

  12. Honestly I do regret not putting a 4tb SSD on my current RIg. I did build it a few years ago, thinking 2tb was enough since I’m not a yearly call of duty/battlefield player, dont really play warzone, etc. Between Apex Legends, Hell Let Loose, Squad, Destiny 2, Elden Ring, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, Baldur’s Gate 3, Guilty Gear Strive, Red Dead Redemption 2 and a few other games I find myself telling friends "sorry idk if I can download another big game before getting close to running out of space". A lot of modern games are HUGE!

  13. @smittywerbenjagermanjensen9809 January 29, 2025 at 1:46 pm

    Personally I’d rather have the smallest (say 250gb) SSD possible as a boot drive and a separate 4tb SSD to host all programs, files etc. Preferably with a 64gb partition specifically to reinstall Windows in a pinch if the boot drive dies. I’ve suffered Windows corruption twice in semi recent memory and it’s nice to not have to worry about your data or program settings if something goes wrong.

  14. What a shame that back then your whole PC included a top tier graphics card for 2000 and now, if you want Nvidia, 2k is just for the GPU

  15. I picked up a 4tb 7000mbs nvme drive for my main drive and it’s awesome

  16. Mr. Tech Deals: "I’m waiting for Zen 6 to come, so that I can finally build the best Zen 5 PC that it could ever be".
    Meanwhile, AMD: "We still have a lot of AM4 chips in excess, we will make them X3D so that people will buy them in droves".

  17. What is that end music 11:20?

  18. as long as you have backup of documents/photos, 4TB is all I need in my future build. if you work with video, get extra drives for that.

  19. will 16TB fit on a NVME drive?

  20. You should make a MONTHLY series, where each month you give your best opinion on putting together a new PC with the parts that have the best value..not the best PC or cheapest PC, but one that gives the best bang for buck. It would be fun to see how that changes monthly. You could also make the CHEAP version and MAX version as well if you want.

  21. my 240gb samsung evo m.2 or whatever it is boot drive still going strong from 2019 – I remember 25 years ago too and i think im such an old dog if i had a 4tb boot drive….3.75tb of it would forever just remain empty anyway hahahaha a stand alone boot drive is just too ground in to my brain

  22. I use the 4tb drive as my game drive. I want all that on a physically separate drive from my boot drive. Then when I have to nuke it and reinstall windows the my storage isn’t affected. Don’t keep your pics n games n important files on your boot drive. if it’s a laptop with only one drive possible i understand, maybe get a nas.

  23. My dream SSD (that’s reasonable) is a 15TB Kioxia datacenter drive, if I had $1200 to blow, that’s what I’d buy.

  24. Mine is way bigger

  25. i had 2x VelociRaptor drives in raid 0 back in the day!!!

  26. I go with by the biggest and best NVME / SSD / HDD for your boot drive. I keep my C drive only for OS n apps. For games I user separate NVME,SSD & HDDs (yeah still running those for older games)

  27. Hope manufacturer release an 3.5 inch SSD with higher capacity 8TB+ for reasonable price, below US$800. I don’t need super speed, I need solid state storage.

  28. @williambreeze2659 January 29, 2025 at 2:00 pm

    The thought of a 250 gb m.2 drive blows my mind.

  29. @johnpaulbacon8320 January 29, 2025 at 2:00 pm

    Nice video 🙂

  30. @bradye21playsIndieHorror January 29, 2025 at 2:01 pm

    Hello from the future. I am getting very mixed results in my searches, but I think i will YOLO it with current SSD prices, and have a 4TB… not boot drive, but everything drive. And see how it goes.

  31. Should always keep OS on 1 drive then your games on a seperate drive as when windows goes wrong and it will at some point then you would only have the hassle of reinstalling windows without worrying about other programs too , just my opinion so why the need for 4TB OS drive ?

  32. In august, I put in my final storage upgrade and am here to say I don’t need to upgrade for a long while across all my drives until they’re obsolete or die.
    Boot Drive: 2Tb 970 Evo Plus
    NVMe2: 4Tb MP34 NVMe (Bought on prime day)
    Game Drive: 4Tb 870 EVO SSD (Final part purchase)

    I still have not, I repeat, have not utilized any space on my 4Tb MP34. My 870 EVO still has a good 600gb left filled with a steam horde library.
    To the average user, all you need is the 4tb drive and nothing else. Use it as a OS and Game drive and you’ll be fine. If you would need more space, just grab a 2tb nvme for OS and swap the 4tb drive for your games and call it good.

    Do I regret having the extra 4tb nvme? Not at all.

  33. Haven’t watched this channel in a while and I gotta say the beard is good look

  34. I think anywhere between 1 and 4tb is reasonable. Value scales more or less linearly, and most boards have at least 2-3 slots for future expansion. 8tb, in The other hand, is simply not viable economically and they’re also worse (you’re better off stacking up multiple 4tb nvme, better both in terms of price and performance), and 500 gb are barely any cheaper than 1tb, so not really viable either unless you are REALLY low on money.

  35. 512 boot drive+ 2-4tb games drive is the way to go.

  36. If 4tb we’re around 150 eur it would be fine but its not quite there yet. Maybe in 1-3 years. 1tb is definitely too small nowadays when big games take up 100-200gb.

  37. Just completed a nr200 p build and I put a 4tb NVME as my main and the 2tb as my backup

  38. I think having both your OS and games running on the same m.2 is overkill. You forget that they cann get hot and some people do other stuff with their pc like 3d modeling and video editing. Wouldn’t that be too much stress for 1 drive to handle?

  39. You might believe this but I still have my Ryzen 1800x build that was a hybrid of the first two builds you did on the channel (1700 and the intel 6800? with the 1080TI (which I’m still using) actually it was your channel that gave me the courage to build it. It’s worked perfectly up until last week when it suddenly froze, then on restarting POST and got to teh windows log in screen but wouldn’t go further. Restarted again and now it fails to post.
    Green light on the motherboard says "CPU ready"
    I’ve flashed the motherboard bios but still can’t get anything out of it – just a black screen (it’s not the monitor I’ve tried different inputs and it works) wondering if it’s the graphics card.
    Might be time to just buld another PC and see which parts work

  40. If everything you do fits on one drive, I suggest just doing one drive. Even doing multiple partitions can complicate things. Do what you need, not more than you need. If you want to clone your drive or something you’ll be happy in the end if you make it more simple. I’d be more likely to have 2 drives than have 2 partitions on one drive. At least with 2 drives you can worry about cloning your C drive, but your secondary drive might be as simple as a copy job to copy that off, or if you reimage your C drive you might be able to leave the other drive alone.

  41. 4tb main and only drive really is a big deal, i had to pay 700 dollar for that last year. you lucky bastard buying 4 tb now.

  42. I have a 2 tb on my ps5 and maybe upgrade next year

  43. My first HD was 2GB and I was over the moon when I got it. I still have it and it still runs. 🙂

  44. In my pc I have 27TB of ssd storage (mixture of nvme and sata) and 16TB of hdd storage (which I just use for media and backup).

    My internet sucks so I want everything installed all the time.

  45. Can someone explain to me why you would use a 4tb nvme when u can only get 2tb storage on any boot drive with windows anything am missing? Personally I just use the 2tb boot drive and have (2) 4 TB nvme gen 3 and 4 and like a bunch of hdd for long term storage

  46. I’ve still 250gb Samsung 970 evo for OS. No games, no video recording nothing inside this just os game client like steam, origin, uplay, adobe premier and MSI afterburner etc like this kind of stuff & believe me its utilizing only 35-40% of its total volume rest is free space 😂

  47. I used to have a 4 gigabyte hard drive WAY back then and it was partitioned into two 2gb partitions due to FAT16.

  48. Is a 4tb with a small partition for Windows a good idea for best of both worlds? I’m still stuck on the old habit to keep “format C:” completely painless if needed

  49. @kevinrichards1666 January 29, 2025 at 2:25 pm

    You definitely don’t need a two terabyte boot drive if it’s just for a boot drive. Yes I would put two terabytes minimum in a new build but most windows installations only use less than 256 GB still. Most people aren’t installing apps other than game launchers and maybe a video editing program.

  50. I have a 4tb game drive but on sata. I get terrible lag/stutter if a game is updating or downloading in the background on steam. Not sure if that’s normal. Steam is also installed on the game drive.

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