Buying "Cheap" PS5 Accessories From Amazon: Are They Worth It?

Buying "Cheap" PS5 Accessories From Amazon: Are They Worth It?

[Giveaway Closed: Thank you to all who entered!]

With PS5 now (sort of) available, companies are starting to make their own accessories to go alongside your new next-gen purchase. We’ve already reviewed Sony’s accessories, but it’s time to look at the ‘cheaper’ alternatives on Amazon. A place where Amazon FBA dominates, and is charging you a little extra for these accessories. So we’re gonna unbox em’, review em’, and give them away. If for whatever reason you wanted to check these out yourself, I’ve linked them below. But based on the video playing/paused above this text: I can’t say I endorse many of them.

*All products featured:
Charging Stand:
PS5 Skin:
PS5 Skin (Didn’t Arrive In Time):
Cooling Stand With Storage:
Vertical Vent Stand:
Controller Grip:
Controller Carrying Case:
Phone Mount:
Clear Controller Case:
Console Carrying Case:

*As an Amazon Associate I earn a commission on qualifying purchases

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Music by Ryan Little:

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Samual Blankson
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Shane St.Pierre
Shaun Stamper
Simon Ste-Marie
spencer sorenson
Stephen Conley
Stephen McCallion
Svitlana Sukhoveiko
Terrence Newton
Tom Quinn
Tomas Hajduk
Tyler Unger
Will J Carrero
William O’Carroll
Will Clements

#PS5 #Amazon #AmazonFBA


  1. @cookdislander4372 January 29, 2025 at 1:27 pm

    Controller condom 😂

  2. Horrible ☹

  3. Almost a year later I finally decided to get a skin for mine lol. Mines from Sticky Bunny though, and it covers almost all of the white, the center piece, and the stand!

  4. @brandonhiggins1394 January 29, 2025 at 1:29 pm

    For applying skins I would recommend using a mixture of dawn and water in a spray bottle to help get out air bubbles and a heat gun to help hug the curves !!

  5. @thunderdragon8341 January 29, 2025 at 1:29 pm

    the case would be good for when ur moving

  6. @braylonayaruak246 January 29, 2025 at 1:29 pm

    I like your reviews

  7. 💕💕💕💕💕

  8. @layingonofhandsorthopdcmassage January 29, 2025 at 1:33 pm

    Cheap Magic Erasers work well to keep the controllers clean

  9. I don’t have an issue with the white controller. I wash my hands pretty regularly. And clean my controller daily. Also my dualshock controllers connect to my s21 ultra no issue. I sometimes play remote play miles away from my home. Iphone really needs to add support for that

  10. So I did a console skin on my PlayStation 4 and it looked great but eventually because of the heat that the PlayStation put out the skin started to peel up and just eventually fell off

  11. Hi I would need one please

  12. the extended triggers in these vids always look like overgrown nails to me

  13. Are you still giving away the case? I just got my PS this week. I am always going back-and-forward from my house to my sister’s house to play Spider-Man Miles morales with my nephew and nice. If you still have a case you’re giving away I would love to have!🤞🏻TY!

  14. I can barely hear the fan sitting right nxt to it with TV on low….I seen some people say this fan sucks in hot air but still looking for that review of who said that

  15. @RobertJones-uu3fw January 29, 2025 at 1:41 pm

    I support everything that you are doing I would like that chase that you are giving away

  16. Skins:. I liked the Mass Effect skin.

  17. I hate how some people label these as cheap when to some people this stuff is all they can afford

  18. What’s a good stand to purchase

  19. @sunshine_bypolar8769 January 29, 2025 at 1:44 pm

    0:43 in a few years later maybe not but for now yup

  20. just for your information, cooling fan is never work, don’t watse your money on it

  21. That particular charging stand doesn’t look very nice, kind of gives off cheap vibes. The console carrying case seems like the most useless thing out of all of these, the only time I ever had to move my PS5 out of my house was when I was moving house, where I just used the original box. I don’t think there are many people who go around carrying their console in what looks like a briefcase on a daily basis

  22. @tyriqueshakes6111 January 29, 2025 at 1:49 pm

    awesome console

  23. I tried to watch this but man….! That guy needs some happiness in his life. I’m getting depressed, just by listening to him!

  24. the fact you didn’t cut both controller supports the same width triggers my ocd (one is 5 blocks, the other is 6)

  25. What monitor are you playing your ps5 on?

  26. I just put my ps5 in a bag and throw it into my backpack. Saves me 100 bucks on that pointless case.

  27. Amazon is not that great. Just overhyped

  28. Why was The Witcher game blurred but not others?

  29. the controller case is more for like if your going somewhere and want to take your playstation with you but you can only squeeze your controller in your backpack so at least in the case it´s protected

  30. Lol controller condom 😂

  31. I have one of those stands without the game holder. I actually really like it. I literally just use it as a base because I have a separate controller charger, and I never use the fans, but it feels sturdier than the stock stand that comes with the console and I don’t have to worry about it tipping over as much. I also like the thumb grips because they protect the nubs from getting chewed up, and they feel better on my thumbs than using them without the grips.

  32. Got my series X case from case club. Works pretty ell

  33. Thank you for making this video it really helped me now that I got a ps5

  34. 16:23 when he said "no bueno" I got a kinder bueno add

  35. HEY BRYAN are You Polish ?

  36. i will never do this to my ps5. Its just unrespectful to attach these cheap things on your ps5

  37. @forestcityfishing4749 January 29, 2025 at 2:11 pm

    The skin I bought did a great job of coving all of the white cover. PlayVital I believe was the name.

  38. Dude throwing mad shade at these FBA sellers 😂😂

  39. Wait are you showcasing the items or trying to get me to start up a business and use Amazon to fulfill the orders???

  40. Quit buy cheap from China.

  41. @x_wolfiegirl_x3258 January 29, 2025 at 2:16 pm

    3:16 dead skin cells THIS ONE GOT ME LAUGHING HARD

  42. @antoniomargallo5317 January 29, 2025 at 2:17 pm

    The foam cutting detail on the case sounds cheap, but if you think about it it’s a great feature, you keep the remaining foam in case (hehehe) you need to carry a camera, a drone, an RC car, etc.

  43. Has anyone have painted there PS5 console/PS5 controller if so can you tell me the results and was it worth it.

  44. I bought some eXtremeRate Dualsense shells in clear blue and clear purple, mixed up the parts and made 2 unique controllers that I love. The shells are absolutely worth getting. I also got some transparent black plates and RGB LEDs from Toshihama that are pretty nice. I am gonna customize the plates by cutting those top front corners off to look more like the dark plates 2.0, and I plan to paint the shells with a galaxy theme from the inside with transparent paints.

  45. The analog rubber things are terrible. I would only go with control freeks. I still have my black ops 4 ones from 2018.

  46. All of these are terrible lol

  47. You Hell “I’m Not Dirty” 😂 We Understand

  48. Mmmm galaxy

  49. @justaguycalledpookie January 29, 2025 at 2:26 pm

    Bruh, i got a ps5 ad in the middle of the vid XD

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